
We are inviting you to become more active with the PC Chamber by joining one of our committees. 
The Chamber has four committees.

Administration Committee

This Committee is also the Executive Board of the Chamber It is comprised of the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Treasurer. This division is responsible for the following areas: budget; dues collection; revenue generation; nominating committee; by-laws; strategic planning; staff operations; and committee chairs.

Ambassador Committee

Are you interested in getting more involved in the Chamber and the PC business community? The Ambassador Program for the Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce is the perfect way! The Ambassadors are a group of Chamber members who want to volunteer their time to be a more active member within the Chamber as well as within the Greater Port Clinton Area business community. They work with the Chamber staff and Board of Directors to increase membership, improve membership retention, strengthen awareness of Chamber benefits, and assist with various Chamber events. Ambassadors are liaisons for the Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce. Their commitment and participation in Chamber events is critical to the success of the Chamber!

We currently have four Chamber Ambassadors:

Erin Linehan

Studio E

Chrystal Petersen
​Croghan Colonial Bank

Amber Gardner

The Clean Team


Benefits Committee

The Benefits Committee is charged with reviewing and evaluating the current Chamber Benefits as well as creating additional benefits. Our new website was a 2013 project of this Committee. Also in 2019, our website was upgraded to include Mobile Apps for every member. Other projects include the Lunch-N-Learn and Chamber Bulletin Board. 

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is working to increase awareness of benefits. Projects include the Member Spotlight Program, Member Orientation, and branding. 

To learn more, please contact the PC Chamber.

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